Real Life Rescues!

What’s it like to rescue a dog? This maybe a question you are asking yourself if you are looking at this webpage. So we thought it would be nice to share some of our real life stories with you. If you have rescued a dog from Wallace Kennels, we would love to share your story here. Email us at

Meet Delilah – our gorgeous mastiff cross

Delilah came into our life in February 2015. Having just moved to a bungalow that backed on to a forest we had already decided we wanted to get a dog to make the most of our surroundings and enjoy lots of country walks. It wasn’t quite the right time, as our new home needed complete refurbishment and we were in the middle of an extension, resulting in a very muddy garden and no fence to one side,  but Delilah stole my heart when I was walking her as a volunteer at the Wallace Kennels. Those big brown eyes looked so sad when I put her back in her kennel, I just knew I had to take her home, so after completing all the paperwork and getting her to meet my husband, she moved in!

Delilah was such a character from the start, She had a bit of a crossbite, which meant she always looked like she was grinning.  She had an obsession with shadows and shining things and would chase reflections. She loved to snuggle up on the sofa and, despite weighing in at just over 35kg, she thought she was a lap dog and would often try to perch on you in the most precarious spots.  Delilah loved the grand children and wanted to be involved in everything they were doing, this didn’t always bode well, as she would plonk herself down in the middle of a pile of Lego, when they were building their finest model. Groans of “Oh Lilah.” would soon be followed by giggles as she overpowered them with doggy kisses, earning her the nickname ‘licky-licky Lilah’  Delilah loved a holiday, especially the beach. She joined us on many travels, including a campervan touring holiday around the Lake District and a stay on Holy Island, to name but a few.

In 2017 we made the decision so get another dog,  as company for Delilah for the short hours we were at work and Samson became her best buddy – but I’ll tell you more about him in another post.

You may have guessed from my use of past tense that sadly Delilah is no longer with us. She was diagnosed with Sarcoma in 2018, which was devasting news. However, Delilah was a fighter and once the tumour was removed, she made a good recovery. The vet said that her type of cancer could reoccur quite quickly, even in as little as 6 weeks or 6 months, but to see Delilah running around and going for long walks, you would never have known she was ill. She had another tumour removed in 2020, just after the first Covid lockdown, and thankfully again she bounced back. They say good things must come to an end and sadly Delilah crossed rainbow bridge in June 2022. Although we only had her for 6 years, they were they most wonderful years and she filled our hearts with joy. Rescuing Delilah was one of the best things we have ever done and we will forever cherish the memories she has given us. We obviously still miss that big slobbery grin everyday, but while some people might say they couldn’t do it again because of the heartbreak, we just think of all the dogs in kennels that deserve to live out their lives in a loving home, so in September 2022 Nancy  came to stay, but more about her later…..

In just 9 years of being involved with Wallace Kennels we have had 3 rescue dogs, my son and several of my friends have also had rescues from Wallace. Rescuing a dog is one of the most fulfilling things you can do. They give you so much joy and an unconditional love which  is just the best and will leave a paw print on your heart forever.

Julia – Secretary Friends of Wallace Kennels